Castro Valley Orchestra
Save the date for the second concert of our 2024-2025 season!
February 9, 2025, 2pm
Are you a musician ready to play with us? Check out the rehearsal info and register for the class!

We are a proud recipient of the 2024 Alameda County Arts Commission’s
ARTSFUND Grant! Thank you for your support!
We are looking forward to seeing you all at our concerts!
You can join our email list here!
Get Involved!
Of course we want you to come to our concerts! If you are an intermediate to advanced level musician and are interested in playing with us or helping us prepare for concerts in the community, we’d love to hear from you. Click <here> and we can look at ways in which you too, can support the orchestra and become more involved!
Since 2002
The Castro Valley Orchestra is a class of the Castro Valley Adult School and operates as a regional/community orchestra. Its members come from the entire Bay Area, and come together out of their love for music and to share their talents and passions in music. Learn more about us and our history >
Upcoming Concerts
We are in the process of scheduling our 2024/2025 season. Stay Tuned!